Why Does My Heel Hurt While Walking?

Why Does My Heel Hurt While Walking?

Foot pain is not easy to ignore due to how often you need to get around. One of the most impactful issues when it comes to your feet is heel pain. Roughly 40% of Americans experience it each year. If you have experienced the same thing you may wonder, why does my heel hurt while walking? Below you will find some of the common causes of heel pain and what you can do about it.

Why Does My Heel Hurt While Walking?

Heel pain can impact your ability to get around and cause long-term issues with your gait if left untreated.

Plantar Fasciitis:

This involves inflammation of the band of tissue that runs from your heel to your toes. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain and causes a stabbing pain. It most often affects people in the morning and decreases as you begin to move around. It can also flare up again when you have stood or sat for a long period of time. If not taken care of, I can cause a bony growth called a heel spur.

Foot Pad Atrophy:

Due to the natural wear and tear from walking, the fat pads on your feet can wear down. This is because the average person travels more than 100,000 miles on their feet throughout their lifetime. When the fat pads on your feet wear down it can increase the pressure on your heel, which can lead to pain.


This is a disease that involves inflammation of your joints. It can cause swelling and tenderness, which results in pain and stiffness. Those who have flat feet are at a higher risk for arthritis-related pain in their heel.


This condition occurs when the fluid-filled sacs between your joints swell. The sacs are a cushion between your joints and are referred to as bursae. Bursitis often occurs after you have spent a long time on your feet and can feel like a bruised heel.

Achilles Tendinitis:

The Achilles tendon is found on the back of your leg and connects your calf muscle to your heel bone. It is the strongest and longest tendon on your body. Overuse of the tendon causes heel pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Stress Fracture:

If you have recently increased your physical activity, it can lead to bruising or a small fracture. Small cracks in your bone are referred to as stress fractures. A stress fracture in your heel is common due to the amount of impact it absorbs when you walk and run.

Risk Factors for Heel Pain

Heel pain can impact your daily life in many ways. Focusing on prevention and avoiding the risk factors can ensure you stay healthy and pain-free. Below are some of the common factors that can place you at a higher risk for heel pain.

  • Weight: Those who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk for heel pain due to the added pressure.
  • Foot Structure: Those who have flat feet or high foot arches are more susceptible to heel pain. Structural issues can place a higher amount of stress on the heel.
  • Repetitive Physical Movements: If you play sports or participate in other physical activities repeatedly, like jumping or running, you are at a higher risk for heel pain.
  • Long Periods of Standing: Those who have to continuously stand, especially on hard surfaces like concrete, can experience heel pain due to the added pressure on the heel.

Foot and Ankle Doctor in Los Angeles

If you have heel pain that doesn’t go away, contact the top foot and ankle doctor in Los Angeles. While some heel issues can be addressed using over-the-counter pain medication and rest, others may require medical intervention. Heel pain surgery treatment in Los Angeles can ensure your heel pain is treated for good. Contact the team at Jamfeet today for an appointment!