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3 Steps to Fixing Your Bunion

How BunionLift™ Works

Quick procedure depicting logo
Quick procedure depicting logo

A Quick Procedure:

About 1-1.5 hours, depending on severity of the case. Return home the same day as your procedure.

Plus sign with an outer circle logo
A leg and an hang logo

A Short Recovery Period:

Be back on your feet with a
walking boot in less than 2
weeks when following
recovery instructions.

A leg and an hang logo
Plus sign with an outer circle logo

Enjoy Your Results:

Results are permanent, allowing you to regain years of comfort and an active lifestyle.




Do I Have a Bunion? And Do I Need Surgery?


  • Bony protrusion at the big toe joint
  • Pain around the big toe joint
  • Abnormal angle of big toe
  • Smooth and normal appearance
  • No More Pain
  • Normal alignment
A right foot with a bunion before image
A left foot without a bunion after image
Dr. Kamran Jamshidinia image

Popular questions

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What Causes Bunions?
Bunions form when your weight is unevenly distributed over your feet, forming an increasingly painful lump at the joint. Typically they arise over time with causes ranging from injuries, genetics, or arthritis.

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Will Bunions Go Away on Their Own?
Bunions do not go away without treatment and tend only to worsen over time. Our BunionLift procedure is a highly effective way to restore your foot health and get back to an active and bunion-free life.

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Can I Be Active After Treatment?
Patients can be fully active after their recovery from our BunionLift procedure. From going for walks to highly active sports, patients can resume their favorite activities without the interference of bunions.

Before & Afters

Bunion foot before and after image
Bunion foot before and after image
Bunion foot before and after image
Bunion foot before and after image

0-2 weeks
Walk immediately in Cam Walker boot on heel with crutch support (no casts) very light activity

2-4 weeks
Light activity with full weight bearing in cam walker boot

4-6 weeks
Walk in cam walker and transition gradually into running shoes as tolerated depending on swelling and healing

8-12 weeks
Return to non axial load excercise as tolerated – cycling /swimming /rowing / elliptical as tolerated. After 12 weeks return to full excercise once cleared by your surgeon

*** All of the above is for informational purpose only- ask your doctor on your particular post operative aftercare course/directions when you see your Dr as every procedure/patient is different depending on type of surgery or surgeries being performed, patient age, and weight

Schedule a Consultation Today

Visting Hours

Opens 9 AM – 5 PM ⋅ Mon-Fri

Fax: (310) 247-9240


2080 Century Park East
Suite 1508
Los Angeles CA 90067