Why do Some People Have Flat Feet?

Why do Some People Have Flat Feet?

Most people have a gap underneath their feet while standing. Their arch, the inner part of the foot, will be slightly raised off the ground, but those with flat feet or fallen arches have very low or nonexistent arches. The question on everyone’s mind, though, is why do some people have flat feet to begin with? Read on to explore some of the reasons why a person may have low arches or flat feet.

For a consultation with the top podiatrist in Los Angeles, contact Dr. Jamshidinia today.

What Flat Feet Are

First, let’s examine what flat feet are. Someone with fallen arches may have one or both feet sitting flat on the ground. Their shoes might fit and sit unevenly or wear down more quickly on one side. While there are no symptoms, some people with fallen arches or flat feet may experience foot pain or back pain, depending on the severity. Some may have an uneven distribution of body weight which causes fallen arches or flat feet. The most common symptom of flat feet is foot pain because connecting ligaments and muscles may be strained. Other pain symptoms may occur in the form of swelling in the arch area, back or hips, calf or knee, or general lower legs.

Why Some People Have Flat Feet

Over 26 bones are held together by over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments as well as 33 joints inside one human foot. Foot arches give support to distribute body weight evenly across legs and feet while also giving spring to your steps. Structure of your foot arch will determine how you walk. Arches must be both flexible and durable in order to adapt to various levels of stress and walking surfaces.

Some causes of flat feet may include genetic family history of flat feet, foot or ankle injuries, weak arches, arthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis. Other causes might be the damage, dysfunction, or rupture of the posterior tibial tendon. Some nervous system or muscular diseases such as muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy or spina bifida may cause flat feet issues as well. Another cause of flat feet may be caused by tarsal coalition wherein the foot bones connect in an unusual way. People are also much more likely to develop flat feet if they are overweight, obese, diabetic, or pregnant. It may also be caused as people develop, age or following pregnancy. Athletes may also develop the condition due to past injuries.

Oddly enough, some people with flat feet may also never experience any problems or pain. Flat feet only require attention and treatment if they are causing you discomfort, restricting movement, or indicating another underlying condition.

Treatments for Flat Feet

If you are dealing with flat feet, then the good news is that flat feet are fairly common. Flat feet treatments exist to help relieve discomfort and correct any issues they may be causing. In some cases, supportive shoes, fitted insoles, wedge supports, or arch supports (AKA orthotics) may be enough to relieve pain and strain on the feet. If flat feet are due to obesity, then weight loss may help improve symptoms of pain and inflammation. For those who feel that their flat feet condition is more severe, severely restricting movement and causing intense pain, flat foot surgery and physical therapy may be the best option. If you are looking to correct your flat feet and gain relief from foot discomfort, contact the expert doctors at Jamfeet for a consultation today.

Podiatrist in Los Angeles

Comprising the top podiatrist in Los Angeles, our expert team at Jamfeet work tirelessly to give the greatest attention and care to patients suffering from foot and ankle conditions. Utilizing our years of education, training, and experience, we effortlessly complete different foot and ankle treatments.